How it works with FreeRTOS

Reliance Edge is an official FreeRTOS™ component that brings best-in-class fail safety to real-time operating systems across industries.

FreeRTOS does not include a virtual filesystem (VFS). This means a program using Reliance Edge must directly call the Reliance Edge public API’s instead of using a VFS interface such as fopen(). Similarly, FreeRTOS does not implement a block device abstraction layer. Reliance Edge must be configured to interact directly with the underlying storage media to perform block device I/O. Several example block device implementations are provided to demonstrate how (see file: os/freertos/services/osbdev.c).

Reliance Edge for FREERTOS implementation options

  • Atmel Studio Framework (ASF) SD/MMC – allows Reliance Edge to access SD/MMC media on an Atmel platform using the ASF drivers
  • STM32 SDIO – allows Reliance Edge to access SD/MMC media on an ST Microelectronics platform using the STM32Cube drivers
  • FatFs – bridge to use the ChaN FatFs block device
  • RAM disk – allows Reliance Edge to run on a virtual volume created in RAM

* Reliance Edge also integrates with FreeRTOS by using a FreeRTOS mutex to ensure thread safety. It will automatically use either xSemaphoreCreateMutex or xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic, depending on which is available.