All articles from Tuxera

RDMA(SMB Direct)でエンタープライズストレージのスループットを高める

SDSを利用するお客様にとって、低遅延は高性能のSMBを実現するうえで不可欠な要素です。RDMA(SMB Direct)を使用すれば、SMB実装でのCPU使用量を節約してパフォーマンスの低下を抑えることができます。…

We are bringing HCC’s SafeFTL under the TUXERA FlashFX® Tera™ brand

Aiming at simplifying and enhancing the customer experience, Tuxera’s software flash controllers are now consolidated…

Avoid costly recalls with a secure automotive network

Automotive cyberattacks have been on the rise with the increased connectivity of our vehicles. Avoid recalls that are…

Announcing a major new release of Tuxera Reliance Velocity – now with Persistence Manager

The latest release of Tuxera Reliance Velocity introduces new features like Tuxera Persistence Manager along…

Planning ahead: avoiding data death with Tuxera’s Lazy Reader

NAND flash bit errors are detected (and corrected) as part of the reading process. File system metadata and…

Mastering network suites: a crucial step in embedded system design

Designing an embedded system can be complex, with many factors to consider when selecting the right software and…